Career Coaching

Ready To Design A Career You’re Obsessed With?

Good! Because life’s too short to settle for anything less

Discover your dream career

Everyone deserves a career that excites them, and that definitely includes you.

So what is career coaching?

Think of career coaching as having a dedicated mentor by your side, providing insights and strategies to help you unlock your potential, set meaningful goals, and thrive in a fulfilling career. 

From job search strategies to discovering your true passion, career coaching covers a variety of topics and they’re all tailored to your individual needs. 

But the best part? The end goal is always the same: a more fulfilling career and, as a result, a more fulfilling life!

Who is career coaching for?

It’s for anyone who refuses to settle and wants to find more fulfillment in their work.

So if you find yourself counting down the days to the weekend, dreading the sound of your morning alarm, then you’re in the right place. 

Career coaching is for anyone who believes they deserve to have a fulfilling career.

Because let’s face it, when you’re unhappy in your 9-5, it’s pretty damn hard to be happy in your after 5pm life.  

It’s time to take control of your future and design the career of your dreams.

What does a career coach do?

As your career coach I’m going to help you rewrite the script of your career,  helping you discover who you really are and what you really want in life.

We’re going to destroy all those beliefs that are holding you back and unearth your talents, passions and purpose.

We’ll then create a foolproof strategy to land your dream job – the one that will have you leaping out of bed each morning.

And I’m going to be there every step of the way to help you!

You can absofreakinlutely have a career that fulfills you.

I had it and I want to teach you how you can have it too. So what are you waiting for, book a call with me! 

Book a call now

Why work with me?

Because doing work you love is life-changing

I worked in recruitment for over a decade from start-ups to Fortune 500s.  I interviewed thousands of people on the subject of career fulfillment and this is what I discovered. 

Having a fulfilling career has nothing to do with personality, luck or genes.

There is a formula that people who are fulfilled follow and I also realised that if followed anyone could have a career they loved and I was going to teach them how!

I’ve always believed there’s more to life than most of us realise and I’ve helped 100s of people see that too. I’ve helped them pick a career path and step into their dream career.

Being able to combine my coaching and recruitment experience to help people discover and land their dream jobs is what truly fulfills me.

And I want you to know you CAN have a fulfilling career that pays well.

The benefits of hiring a career coach are huge

Because if you’re unhappy in your 9-5 it’s pretty damn hard to be happy in your after 5pm life.

I’ve seen so many people feeling totally stuck and believing they had no choice but to keep going. And it’s still one of the most frustrating things I see, because there is ALWAYS a choice.

And I want to show you that you have a choice. 

You deserve to be happy and have a purpose driven career that fulfills and excites you! And you’re not crazy for wanting that. 

So what are you waiting for? You’re reading this for a reason, because you know you want more. 

You know you want to create a career path that aligns with your passions 

And I’m going to help you discover what that is and how you can get it.

It’s Time To Design Your Dream Career and Land Your Dream Job

Click here for your free consultation

What My Clients Say

I’ve been lucky enough to work some amazing people and below you can read some of their testimonials. You can see more on my testimonials page.

Natasha Brunsveld

Alice is amazing ! I have just completed a career coaching course with her. I went to Alice as I felt stuck with questions like “ what now? And what next ? Through a series of conversations ( asking me some hard questions that I really needed to think about ) , focused home work to drill down on what I wanted , how I got to where I was.

I am now at the stage where I know what I want my job/ career to contain, what I value most in my job and a clear path for progress .

Thank you Alice , you truly helped me to wade through the fog of feeling stuck on next steps and progress.

If my story sounds familiar to any of you consider career coaching with Alice. It’s not easy be prepared to put some work in but 100% worth it.

Natasha Brunsveld

Business Support Team Lead

Medhat Othman

Alice was my coach for around 6 months with regular sessions of deep coaching to address and have better clarity of many things on both professional and personal sides.

Alice helped me a lot with recognising my true strengths and to shift my approach towards positioning myself to be based on better self awareness.

The coaching helped me to get “unstuck” from where I was in the beginning of the coaching.

And within the coaching time I’ve already decided to go for a great job opportunity that came up.

Medhat Othman

Marketing Communications Specialist

Anna Szafnicka

I wholeheartedly recommend Alice for her expertise, professionalism, and genuine care for and dedication to her clients.

What I liked most about working with Alice was her ability to listen attentively and provide tailored advice. She truly understood my unique circumstances and tailored her coaching approach accordingly. Her supportive and encouraging nature created a safe space for me to explore my options and make informed decisions.

It was evident from our initial session that Alice has a true passion for coaching and assisting others. Her genuine concern for her clients is the reason I will continue to work with her in the future. I am sincerely appreciative of her support and guidance!

Anna Szafnicka

Finance Director